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Elected Officials

The Village President & Board of Trustees of Twin Lakes are responsible for establishing policies for the Village, including approving an annual budget and establishing a tax rate. The Twin Lakes Village Board consists of six trustees and one president with staggered terms. All members are elected at large for a two-year term.

The Village Board meets twice monthly (the first and third Monday of every month at 6:30 pm at Village Hall, located at 105 E Main Street). All residents are encouraged to attend meetings. If there are questions regarding agenda items or meeting information, you may email Village Administrator Laura Roesslein or contact any of the Village elected officials.

Village Board Member

Committee Chair


Village President Howard Skinner Plan Commission 2021-2023
Trustee Sharon Bower Administration, Finance, Judiciary, Licensing 2021-2023
Trustee Bill Kaskin Cemetery, Sanitation, Recycling, Seniors 2022-2024
Trustee Kevin Fitzgerald Streets & Roads, Equipment, Streetlights, Weeds, Lake Planning & Protection 2021-2023
Trustee Aaron Karow Building & Zoning, Plan Commission, Public Buildings 2021-2023
Trustee Ken Perl Police, Fire, Lake Control, Parks & Beaches 2022-2024
Trustee Barbara Andres Sewer, Health & Environment, Youth, Library 2022-2024
